Have you ever heard of renters insurance? Perhaps your landlord requires it. Maybe you were given the opportunity to purchase it, but passed on it to save money. Whatever your circumstance, one thing is for certain: If you rent your home, you need renters insurance – plain and simple.
What is Renters Insurance?
Renters insurance is not coverage for your apartment or rental property; your landlord is responsible for that. Instead, it provides coverage for your personal belongings, as well as protection against bodily injuries, property damage and other liabilities stemming from incidents in your home or the activities of those within your household.
Although this valuable coverage is very important for apartment dwellers and other renters, it is often overlooked and disregarded. The truth is renters insurance is not a luxury; it is a necessity. After all, Mother Nature does not care if you own or rent your home. When disaster strikes, you need to know that your personal property is covered against loss.
If you think you have little to lose, think again. When you account for all of your furniture, clothing, small appliances, electronics, jewelry and other possessions, you might be surprised to know how much your belongings are worth. The average renter in a two-bedroom apartment has $30,000 worth of possessions – right down to the salt and pepper. If all of that went up in flames, it could cost you big to start over again.
Renters Insurance Coverage in De Peer, WI
Here at Brian Van De Hey Insurance, we help our customers find affordable rates on renters insurance without sacrificing coverage. In fact, renters insurance is highly affordable compared to other types of property insurance. On average, a policy can be purchased for about the cost of dinner or a movie ticket each month.
When insuring your belongings, you choose whether you want protection for their actual cash value or replacement value. The first reimburses you for your losses based on their depreciated value, whereas the latter pays for the cost of replacing your belongings with new ones. You simply pay your deductible, and your insurer will take care of the rest.
Although policy details vary between carriers, the average Wisconsin renter’s insurance plan includes protection against a wide range of name perils, some of which include:
- Fire, Smoke, and Explosions
- Ice, Snow, and Sleet
- Lightning, Wind, and Hail
- Falling Objects (i.e. limbs; aircraft)
- Theft and Vandalism
- Civil Unrest and Riots
- Accidents or Equipment Failure Involving Water or Electricity
Renters Insurance Liability Protection
Another benefit of renters insurance is liability protection for yourself and those in your household. Did you know you could be held legally and financially responsible for the injuries someone sustains inside your rental home? Renters insurance includes liability protection for incidents occurring in your home, as well as those you are responsible for elsewhere. Whether you accidentally hit a pedestrian on your bicycle or your dog tears up a neighbor’s expensive patio furniture, liability insurance helps cover your costs when you are slapped with a bill.
Green Bay Renters Insurance Quotes
If you rent your home in De Pere or the greater Green Bay area, getting renters insurance is as simple as picking up the phone and contacting our office. We recognized that many of our customers need quality coverage on a budget. That is why we work independently, carefully comparing rates from multiple providers until we find a policy that fits your needs. Don’t settle for sub-par coverage, and don’t coast by hoping you will never need to file a claim. Put your mind at ease, and give your wallet a break with renters protection from Brian Van De Hey Insurance.